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12 Months Later

So, I'm setting the date back in time to December for this blog post because I failed to write one all last month. Finals and the holidays were busy. So, here we are on January 2nd with a December blog post.
Here are the past 12 very odd, exciting, boring, hard, growth-filled months.
JANUARY: I started my last semester at community college. I made a goal for myself to raise my hand in at least one class once a week. I think as the months went on, I wasn't as great about it, but the anxiety I had before isn't as great. I raise my hand more and my face doesn't feel like it's on fire, so there's been some big improvements. I also started my first internship. It was definitely nerve wracking at first, but I was so excited to start working. It was really a growing experience and I absolutely loved it. It was freezing cold (I worked on a barn in the middle of winter) and I fell in horse poop mixed with mud. But, when the internship was over and I had completed my hours, I was sad to go.
FEBRUARY: Pretty much all I remember from February is my birthday...
MARCH: This was actually the month I fell in horse poop. I also tried playing the piano for a large group of people, but ultimately failed. My dogs kept running away. And that was all in one week. But I learned more about prayer and the love my Heavenly Father has for me, despite my feelings of frustration and feeling alone.
APRIL: Thanks to my internship, I got to spent some quality time with baby goats. Honestly, I love goats. And on the more serious side, in April I wrote one of my favorite blog posts. I shared thoughts I had been wanting to share for a long time. It was a relief to finally get them down and I'm so glad I have a place to do that.
MAY:  My final semester at MWCC came to a close. I had two graduations, one from college and the other from the Pathways program. It was surreal and a day I've long awaited since the first day of kindergarten. I'm still wicked glad I got the opportunity to be a part of Pathways and find a major I really loved. Having my Associate's means I don't have to take any foundations classes in Idaho either (#blessed)... and I'm already a junior.
In May, I also got my first job where I worked as a cashier at CVS. It was interesting. People got mad at ridiculous things and apparently if you don't know the meaning of the word 'sorry' you get harassed by an old man. (Side: I do know the meaning of the word sorry, my answer just wasn't good enough, and I was getting yelled at with a huge line waiting behind said old man.) My managers were cool though, and I definitely improved my ability to make small talk and smile at strangers. I definitely preferred working in the back or putting things on shelves though. Still, it was a good experience and I still prefer CVS to any other place.
JUNE: June was a relatively hard month. I was dealing with feelings of sadness and I was growing more anxious about school. I was pleased with where my life was. I had friends, I was home, and the huge changes that had happened and were coming up created a lot of stress.
JULY: Adjusting Focus had it's 2nd birthday. I got to spent some time in New Hampshire with my cousin before we both left for school. I finished my last shift at CVS that month. It was bittersweet. I was glad to leave behind angry customers and early morning/late night shifts, but I liked the people I worked with, and gained good experience.
AUGUST: My favorite month because I finally got to go to Guatemala! It was a dream come true, though some days were really hard, and the northern part of Guatemala is hot and humid as all heck. But, I often look back and miss it. It's a place I'll definitely go back to. I absolutely love my country.
SEPTEMBER: I left for college despite my desperate want to not actually go. David and I drove all the way to Idaho, which was definitely long, but an experience everyone should have at least once in their life. I got to visit my oldest brother and his little family on our way. And, when I actually got to Idaho and school started, I got into the swing of things. My anxiety pretty much went away and I made some really good friends.
OCTOBER: I got the opportunity to go to my first session of General Conference in Salt Lake City. It was a really cool experience. Within the first talk, while sitting in Temple Square, I prayed and decided to go on a mission! This was a powerful moment because a mission was often something I didn't want to do. Giving up 18 months of my life is a long time, and at the point, I was so ready to just finish school and graduate in 2018 with my Bachelor's, I didn't want to not go to school. Which is funny now because I'm so ready to go, I really have no complaints about giving up 3 semesters.
NOVEMBER: After the longest period of time without seeing my parents, I finally got to go home! Except not really. We went to Michigan to see one of my brother's and his family. But, I've been there a few times, so it was familiar enough. It was really great and I got to hang out with my niece, whom I love so much. It was nice to see my brother and sister-in-law. I almost cried happy tears when I saw my mom. It was a great break and a good holiday.
DECEMBER: I finished my first semester in Idaho. I got accepted into the Social Work program a month previous, and once my prerequisite course grades were in, I was able to register for classes. I got to go back home to MA and see my other brother and sister-in-law, and their son. It's been a lot of fun. It's been great to see everyone and hold my nephew for the first time. Seeing my dogs was amazing. My newest nephew was born this month, too, so I've got to see plenty of pictures and Snapchat videos of him!
I'm definitely a little sad to go back to Idaho (a lot sad, actually), but I know this next semester will be good. And it's my last one for 18 months. It's just been a huge relief to be home and sleep a lot. Naps will definitely be an important part of my life next semester, too.
Overall, the year has had some big events. It's been another year full of growth, loss, hardships, and relying on the Savior. I have no clue what'll happen this year, but come what may. I hope my testimony of the gospel of Jesus Christ continues to grow and I hope this year will hold many great things, despite the trials that are sure to come.
My motto -and the quote for this post- for 2017 is this;
2016 has taught me a lot. I've learned more about my ability to do hard things. While I prepare to go on a mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, while I prepare for this upcoming semester and furthering my education, I want to remember all that I can do- through Him
As always, thanks for reading!


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