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To School and Friends

My blog posts in November always have some Thanksgiving theme so I've been thinking a lot about what I'm thankful for. While the list can go on and on, the biggest thing for me is how grateful I am that school has been going so well. As I've said before, I was really worried about how things were going to end up being in Idaho. While I completed an Associate's, I had never been away from home. As my brother and I got closer and closer to school, I felt the longevity of my stay. The new environment and people were all slightly horrifying. Part of me really just wanted to stay in my senior/sophomore year of school forever.
Now, a couple months later (though it's felt like a year while simulatenously feeling like it's only been 2 weeks), I've made it to Thanksgiving in one piece and I've already made some good memories. I was so worried about making friends because I'm often very shy and quiet when people first meet me. It takes some time for me to warm up to people a little bit. But I've gotten throught that and with new friends I've done some fun things, and I'm wicked grateful for them. And while I don't always enjoy all of my classes and have to occasionally force myself to get up and walk to a few of them, I've been doing pretty well (we won't go into detail on BIO230). I do get my work done, though, and I'm much more efficient in that thanks to a friend who helped me organize my life.
Things have definitely gone above my expectations and while I obviously miss home (my parents and my dogs), I don't feel the need to call my mother begging to leave BYU-I and go back. It's all been good and fun and exhausting. I'm thankful for the experiences BYU-I has offered me. Though Rexburg is small and there isn't that much to do, I still manage to have fun and experience new things. Plus I watch a lot of Netflix and l've learned how much I enjoy the show Glee. So far my first semester has treated me well and I thank my Heavenly Father for that often.
While things have been really good, I'm also grateful the semester is coming to an end soon, too. I'm ready for a new one (and Christmas). Next semester I'll be taking 16 credits, but I'm looking forward to my classes and schedule. And I'll still get to be with some of the same friends again. Plus, as long as things end up going well, no more BIO230. So... that's a blessing.
Today's quote is something I've taken to heart this semester and probably will for the rest of my life.
As I've grown older, I have a newfound love for naps. I'm very grateful for sleep.
As always, thanks for reading!
