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College Apps Begin

This week has been a decently good week, I would say.
On Monday I ran 6.5 miles, which was pretty cool. It was pretty rough there for a while, but, I took it slow and did it! My legs were pretty sore the next day but definitely worth it. We'll see if that ever happens again, though...
I've been able to manage my homework pretty well and haven't screwed up too badly, which is also pretty nice. I could probably be more efficient with how I get my work done, but at least it always gets finished. I'm still wicked good at procrastinating, but still. I mean, I've managed to get this far in school with decent grades.
Along with homework has come the time to start thinking about college and what to do and where to go. While I have been thinking about this since last year (when I entered into college), it just didn't seem as real when I was a junior. It felt so far away. Now, here I am. I have two semesters left and it's time to get my life together and apply. Although deadlines aren't for a while, my program director has been strongly advising us to get everything in before Thanksgiving and the holiday season. Which means, I have to really think about the fact that I won't be living at home next year and once I'm in college, that means more independence (yay?). Obviously I've been so used to living at home (as I've done so for almost a solid 17 years). It'll be quite the change for those days to be over.
The application process, or, more like the idea of the college application process and everything surrounding it is quite stressful for me, I'll be honest. There are times when I'm decently excited, but then I get super stressed and kind of sad. It's like, I remember being a freshman and thinking, "Holy cow, I have four years of this mess." I was done with high school the first day I started high school. In fact, dropping out was on my list of Things to Do in When I'm Sixteen. I saw no reason in anything (which also had a lot to do with emotional issues I was having, but still relevant). Eventually I made my way up to the Pathways Program at the Mount and here I am. I can't believe how fast things have gone in the last four years and how much has changed. College (or should I say, a bigger university far from home) seemed so far away and now it's really not. At all.
I have my list of colleges, I've emailed the school I'll most likely be attending for information, I've half applied to places. Like, today, I did the majority of two applications for local colleges, but once I got to the essay portion I was like, "No." And the application for the BYU schools are started but I can't get far in them due to the fact that the Fall 2016 semester is not an option at the moment.
I just feel a wave of emotions as I start applying... but I guess that's all part of being a senior... this thing they call 'Senioritis'? That whole thing is just suffocating me in feelings of happiness, excitement, sadness, anxiety, and the list goes on.
//Noel Shiveley//: Also, yesterday we had to give in our height and weight for graduation gowns... Graduation gowns. It'll be nice to finally be done, but at the same time, that all just means moving on. And while I'm sure I'll be ready by the time it all ends, right now it's just a lot.
So today's quote is a simple two words, but are a good reminder at this exact moment of my life, and maybe you'll find this to be a good reminder for yourself as well (see above picture).
It'll all work out in the end and I'm sure I'll end up wherever I need to be... as long as I get those applications done! Still overall, I think this week wasn't too bad. I've gotten some good work done and I'm learning how tedious the college application process really is... but it'll all be worth it in the end.
