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The Importance of an Individual

My psychology of self class has been pretty interesting so far. I've read one chapter of a text book and we watched a movie for three whole class periods. The movie was "The Five People You Meet in Heaven." It was better than I expected. In the beginning I was really unsure of why we were watching it, but in the end, the message was pretty good.
Basically the movie was about the main character, Eddie, who had died trying to save a girl's life. He worked at this place called Ruby Pier, where he had worked his entire life fixing rides. He served in the army for a while until he had a leg injury and then shortly after he got married. After he died trying to save the little girl, he ended up in heaven, where he would meet five people who would teach him five different lessons.  
In the end, Eddie learned about how he really did have an effect on all of those around him. He didn't realize that the job he hated had saved so many lives. Eddie learned his importance, his value.
I think sometimes we all have those times where we aren't sure if we're really doing anything worthwhile. We feel like we're just another body going through the motions. I know that there have been times in my life where I wonder if there's anything I'm doing that is helping those around me, if I'm doing anything important. In the end, we always do little things that go a long way. And sometimes, we do the big things, too. We have a great effect on everyone we meet. There are things we're doing now and things we will do in the future that have a purpose. I know we're all here for a reason.
Sometimes we may feel that since no one notices anything we do, we're not doing anything important. If no one says 'Thank you' or doesn't acknowledge something good that we've done, that's not them saying, 'What you did meant nothing and is of no importance.' Not everyone we meet and help out is going to let us know what we've done or say that thank you. We're going to walk through life and do plenty of things without acknowledgement and that's okay. We can still do good things and be loving to everyone around us because that's just what we're supposed to do. We can't do good things only for the want of getting something in return.
Not everyone in the world is going to see our personal value. We all have it, but not everyone will say it. We ourselves won't always see the value we have. It doesn't mean that if we don't see it or someone else doesn't see it that our value doesn't exist in that moment or at all. We always have value and we are always important. There are things we have to do and things we have done that have helped those around us, and ourselves, grow tremendously.
Today's quote is this:

That includes ourselves.

Remember that YOU are important. Remember that those AROUND you are important.
