In no particular order, here are some of the things I'm thankful for this Thanksgiving*: 1. Family Mom and dad (do absolutely everything and more). Brothers (weird but they're pretty amazing). Two sisters-in-law (my favorites).They are all quite possibly (or actually) my favorite people. I love them all dearly. They've done an infinite amount of things for me that would take forever to write down. I always have fun with them (we'll pretend I've never gotten mad at them because that would be silly ). 2. Friends All of my friends are truly amazing. They always know how to make me laugh and I can always manage to have a great time with them. After my family they are my favoritest (pretend that's a word) people. I can always count on them. I trust them with a lot. 3. A home I think there's a difference between a house and a home. A house is a place you live. A home is a place where you create memories and spend time with your family. It's a place fille...