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Nerves and Happiness

Today was great. In the morning I was wicked nervous for my driver's test. Each time I woke up in the middle of the night I would automatically tell myself how to do my uphill parking with a curb. I would also recite the steps for parallel parking. I officially woke up a little after 6:30 in the morning and I could not fall asleep for the life of me. I was so scared that I would fail. I would fluctuate between feeling like I could pass to feeling like I would fail before I even left the driving school. 
That test was the easiest test I have ever taken.
I had worried for days. I had prayed for days. And all for less than ten minutes of driving in a circle (basically) and then parallel parking and doing a 3-point turn. I even was a little bit farther from the curb than I was supposed to be for my parallel parking and all the guy said was, "I would just get a little closer next time." I was a little nervous then...
In the end I got handed a little piece of paper and I took it and my hand shook and I was pretty sure I had passed but there was always the possibility I had failed, even though I thought it was easy, but who knows? And then the guy started telling me that only immediate family was allowed in the car with me and all this other stuff and fines... IT WAS GREAT. I was so happy.
And later was even better (almost). I was surrounded by seven puppies who could all fit in my two hands+a little more. I almost died. They were all so small and overwhelmingly cute. I just really love dogs and I wanted all of them.
There was one dog that my mom picked up and held for awhile. She then told me I should too, so I gladly took this cute little puppy. She just laid in my arms and she had the cutest face. I immediately fell in love. So, in the end, we got her. Or, picked her out and sadly left her. :( BUT we will get her in like three weeks. And we've named her Mia (Me-uh). I am so excited for her. It will be a lot of work and I'll be spending a ton of time training her (as that was the deal).
Here are some pictures to show how small/CUTE Mia is.

Look at how small she is!
Puppies are literally my favorite.

I'm dying. 
So today was a pretty successful day!
Today's quote is about dogs because I'm just in love with them. 
"No one on Earth will love you more, be more patient with your moods, or keep your secrets better than your dog."
License and a new puppy. 
