Let's just start off with this; Mia (Me-ah) aka the cutest puppy ever? We picked her up on Saturday the 27th. I died when I saw her. She is so small. Literally the size of like, a baby. She's so soft, too. She did really well in the car. At one point she was climbing on top of me and my face to look out the rear-view window. It was cute... and a little painful when she stepped on my eyes, but that's okay. She's cute (?). And when we put the leash on her, she tugged and wouldn't move. It was a struggle so we decided she would learn that at a later point. Her collar is pink (as seen above) and she looks wicked cute in it. Unfortunately, she hates the collar and won't wear it right now, but that's okay too. The other day Bella and Mia were outside and they were playing together. I got a picture of them lying in the grass across from each other and I just about died. Tell me this isn't cute. Mia is basically a little version of Bella. In fact,...