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Showing posts from September, 2014

PUPPIES & September

Let's just start off with this; Mia (Me-ah) aka the cutest puppy ever? We picked her up on Saturday the 27th. I died when I saw her. She is so small. Literally the size of like, a baby. She's so  soft, too. She did really well in the car. At one point she was climbing on top of me and my face to look out the rear-view window. It was cute... and a little painful when she stepped on my eyes, but that's okay. She's cute (?). And when we put the leash on her, she tugged and wouldn't move. It was a struggle so we decided she would learn that at a later point. Her collar is pink (as seen above) and she looks wicked cute in it. Unfortunately, she hates the collar and won't wear it right now, but that's okay too. The other day Bella and Mia were outside and they were playing together. I got a picture of them lying in the grass across from each other and I just about died. Tell me this isn't cute. Mia is basically a little version of Bella. In fact,...

Josiah, Talents, & Practice

It's been another successful week of schooling. I'll admit that I've saved a boatload of homework for over the weekend and until Monday and Tuesday, but I just wanted a break. And I have a ton of time tomorrow to do homework before we leave for New Hampshire... again (I feel like I'm always mentioning that place....). I've taken the time to practice the piano almost everyday. I'll be quite honest with ya'll.... it's been wicked good. For once I'm taking the time to really practice and do the things I don't like to do on piano. Like scales, octaves, and arpeggios. I never practiced them until the day of my lessons. I wouldn't really practice the piano intensely and I would do it for a short amount of time. And there would be weeks upon weeks where I wouldn't really practice. It was quite sad, actually. Don't get me wrong, I'm in love with the instrument, I just wasn't pushing myself to become even more in love with it... I was...

Nerves and Happiness

Today was great. In the morning I was wicked nervous for my driver's test. Each time I woke up in the middle of the night I would automatically tell myself how to do my uphill parking with a curb. I would also recite the steps for parallel parking. I officially woke up a little after 6:30 in the morning and I could not fall asleep for the life of me. I was so scared that I would fail. I would fluctuate between feeling like I could pass to feeling like I would fail before I even left the driving school.  That test was the easiest test I have ever taken. I had worried for days. I had prayed for days. And all for less than ten minutes of driving in a circle (basically) and then parallel parking and doing a 3-point turn. I even was a little bit farther from the curb than I was supposed to be for my parallel parking and all the guy said was, "I would just get a little closer next time." I was a little nervous then... In the end I got handed a little piece of paper and I to...

Final Summer

Today was my last day of summer so I spent it having a party by myself. I exercised and did some Photoshop... and that's about it. I played a little bit of piano (I just ran through my 3 songs). I did remember that this is my last official summer without school work. Next summer I'll be taking classes (hopefully mostly online) while everyone else is free and sitting around. I just keep on telling myself that I'm graduating with an associates degree  while graduating with a high school diploma. "It'll all be worth it, don't worry." Tomorrow starts a new chapter in life. I'll be a college student and a high school student... all at once.  But I'm wicked excited and a smidge nervous. I also need to figure what room all of my classes are in. And I have class tomorrow. I'm pretty ready for this and I think this choice of schooling was very much what I needed. I was kind of done with the normal high school life and I just wanted something else. I...