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Showing posts from December, 2018

Finding Our Place

I've been spending a lot of my days at home, so to fill my time I've been playing the piano and writing a ton. I've been itching to write a new blog post, but I've been unsure of what to write about. I've played the piano for hours but left my laptop untouched because I wasn't sure what I wanted to say, and to be quite honest there hasn't been a lot going on in my life to even write about... But one day I decided to dedicate a lot of my day to writing. 9 times out of 10 I'll listen to music while I write. I have a Spotify playlist dedicated to this work and then every so often I'll find some kind of "ambient' or "chill" playlist on Spotify to be inspired by and continue adding to my Writing playlist (this is seriously one of my favorite pastimes of mine). So, that's all one big introduction to the fact that the other night I was listening to some quiet music at around 5:30pm, sitting at the kitchen island feeling kind of inspi...