Before I continue on with this blog post, I just want to apologize in advance for how wordy it will most likely be and how it may sound a little disorganized. Also, the post I'm about to write is strictly from my point of view and how I feel about this topic. Obviously everyone's situations and feelings about it are different. So here it goes. After a conversation yesterday and while I was lying in bed, I started to write this blog post in my head. I guess I've never really talked about being adopted to anyone else besides my family, because there are few people who really understand what it's like. It's hard to explain the feelings and half the time I can't even put it into words and it's literally been like that my entire life. But now, I think I'm at a place in my life where I want more people to understand what it's like (and like I said before, from my point of view) to really be different from everyone around you. I was scrolling through my ...