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Showing posts from December, 2014

The End

Everything has finally come to a close and I honestly couldn't be more happy. While this semester was good, it was beginning to feel incredibly long and I really just wanted the new semester to start. All in all, I'm glad I can say that I've successfully finished my first semester of college at MWCC. I feel like I've learned a lot since the beginning of September. Going into this semester I was worried what it would be like. I wanted to make new friends and I wanted to learn new things. Part of me was afraid I would end up drowning half way through and I would be the first one to have to leave. I was excited for my classes and excited for the people in the program. I was fortunate to know at least one person heading into Pathways, but everyone else was a stranger. And I just really didn't want to go back to my high school (no offense or anything). Things started to roll and I was handling everything well. I made friends and I felt like everyone in our program see...